Lighthouse Employee Walks the Walk
After gradually losing his vision, Horace Grayson found a new path through Lighthouse Louisiana. Clearing the way for others to find theirs, Grayson recently chaired the White Cane Celebration National Awareness Walk, a fundraiser sponsored by the Affiliated Blind of Louisiana, Inc. (ABL). In conjunction with White Cane Awareness Day, the October 14 event marks the second time ABL New Orleans gathered participants, guest speakers, and vendors to celebrate how blind people can live vibrant and independent lives
“The event was intended for people who are blind or have low vision to see that life is not over,” said Grayson. “It’s just a new way of living. They can still function in society and put their best foot forward.”
Grayson is putting his best foot forward as the First Vice President of the ABL New Orleans Chapter. Organizing the walk is one of many fundraisers Grayson has been involved with through his ten years with the organization. His relationship with ABL started when he attended ABL’s Lafayette, La., Training Center at the recommendation of Lighthouse Louisiana in 2013.
“Lighthouse Louisiana gave me the motivation to go to school and get versed in living as a person with low vision,” said Grayson, who began taking orientation and mobility training with Lighthouse in 2011. “This is where it all started for me.”
Grayson, a former refrigeration mechanic, has worked at Lighthouse’s New Orleans campus for the past five years. From packer/boxer to mop winder, he has held numerous positions supporting the Production Department. He is an advocate for the Blind, never missing an opportunity to encourage others to live their best lives.
“Lighthouse is my family,” said Grayson. “They pushed me to get there.”