American Job Centers Shore Up Employment Services
American Job Centers Shore Up Employment Services
Many individuals served through Employment Services express interest in growing their skills to a level that would increase their earning potential. To assist in achieving this goal, the Employment Services department has begun networking with 25 American Job Centers (AJC) within Louisiana and Mississippi. The goal of this mission is to develop a training resource database that will house AJC contact information and specific training areas available to program participants who have expressed interest in skill building.
“The most challenging area of career planning is making appropriate training referrals,” said Natalie Harrison, CESP. AJCs that are funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act are designed to strengthen and improve the workforce system by removing obstacles for youth and those with significant barriers to employment. These centers pave the way for high-quality jobs and careers and help employers hire and retain skilled workers. “Networking with this community resource and developing connections will greatly reinforce the support needed to ensure program participants have the tools to achieve their goals.”